Not To Be Technical

27: Nafis' Birthday, Log4j and 2021's Top Google Searches & Passwords

Episode 27

It's Nafis' birthday and we're going over the top passwords used in 2021, the biggest internet security risk in a decade and what people searched the most in Google this year, but first 

  • We hear from Gary
  • Nafis' Birthday is right now
  • Tips for the Holidays about work parties, buying the right type of computer and don't be dumb and pay for Windows 11
  • Follow-ups from Husky Charlie Poll, Yelp Elite Competition and Charlie vs Nafis as Hot Girls Poll 
  • Instagram reaching 2 billion monthly active users and if usage of the platform is unhealthy
  • The Log4j security flaw which is one of the biggest security risks this decade that could impact the entire internet
  • The top passwords used in 2021
  • Google's most searched queries in 2021


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